

9:00 am - 10:00 pm

Event Type

Join The Robin’s Nest as we travel again to Kinney Hill to celebrate a special ONE DAY event for TEMPLEFEST!

Registration for TempleFest 2022 is Open!

Copy this registration link into a new browser: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=oqmeildab&oeidk=a07ej85fjt2529eea46

Join the Temple of Witchcraft for the return of an in-person TempleFest! We will be having a special one-day event in preparation of our return to a longer weekend intensive in the coming years.

Our special one-day event is filled to the brim with:
• Keynotes by Christopher Penczak and Laura Tempest Zakroff
• A concert by Nathaniel Johnstone
• Workshops and lectures by an amazing assortment of speakers
• A vendor’s alley featuring local artisans, witches, and readers
• and a special evening ritual written by Christopher Penczak and facilitated by Temple initiates!

This event is located on private farmland on a large field. The ground is uneven and may be difficult for walkers or wheelchairs with smaller wheels (such as transport wheelchairs). There will be plenty of seating and resting spaces available. Please plan accordingly for the sun and bugs!

Registration is $45 per person for the full day (from 9 am to 10 pm) or $30 for the evening’s ritual, with admission starting at 7 pm. Children under 13 attend for free accompanied by an adult, but please note there is no children’s programming or child-care on-site.

Keep an eye on the Temple’s social media and the TempleFest website for updates as we get closer to the event!