We welcome another month and a new season on the horizon here at The Robin’s Nest. And with this new season, I have been finding many opportunities to clear out, clean up and let go. One of the biggest projects that I’ve been able to tackle is the cleaning up of the attic space here at The Nest. When we moved in here 6  1/2 years ago, it became a quick catch-all for everything I didn’t know what to do with. Then, as time moved on, more items were stashed up there. Soon enough it became the room of requirement where things went to be forgotten. Do you have a place like that in your home too? Well, enough was enough. There was some stagnate energy and it was time to get it moving again. I jumped in and after two solid, long days of work it was done. And it felt a.m.a.z.i.n.g!  Many supplies moved on to other people who could use them. A large portion went to charity. And I was able to locate items that I thought I had lost years ago and am now putting to new use.
What does this teach us?
Sometimes, it takes a physical act of movement to clear out the clutter in our lives to get the magickal, mystical and spiritual aspects of our lives moving too. And just like magick, once the ball gets rolling, it is easier to move, develop and grow in areas of our lives and our life’s work. It provides opportunities for us to give in ways we didn’t think were possible. Because something you share, either by giving a physical object or energy of time, has a way of coming back as blessings in many forms.
When we were working out the calendar for 2018, we wanted to incorporate these concepts through learning, ritual and community gatherings. And with opportunities to do more in our communities. You are invited to share in these experiences and receive what you need to make seemingly small changes that in turn, become abundant blessings.
This month we have some big opportunities for you to experience. Enjoy the Thoth Ritual with HPS Alix Wright at the beginning of the month and a special visit from Swamini Vishwajananianandanima on March 10. Learn all about Atma Kriya and how you can incorporate this daily practice into your life and inspired workshops with Raven Grimassi, Adam Sartwell and Mat Auryn. We are also excited to share with you two Community events to welcome Spring. Our 6th Annual Spring NESTival Psychic Fair and Vendor Market as well as our annual participation at The Magickal Marketplace in Nashua, NH. All the details are listed for these events are below.
In addition, you will see a new feature to this and upcoming newsletters. “Opportunities to Give” is a section of our newsletter that will provide you with ways to give back to our communities both near and far. Sometimes, all we need is a gentle reminder of what is out there to be able to make a difference in the world around us.
I look forward to this new season and all the possibility it holds.
I hope you do too.
Bright Blessings Always,