

7:00 pm - 9:30 pm


The Robin's Nest
799 S. Main St. Suite 9, Bellingham, MA, 01453

Event Type

Map Unavailable

Lughnadadh Ritual with HPS Alix Wright!

Known as the festival to honor to God Lugh with games of strength and skill, this Sabbat is also to honor his foster-mother Tailtiu. Tailtiu was said to have died of exhaustion after single handily clearing the plains of Ireland so that her people could plant crops. Her festival begins our harvest season, where we begin to reap  what we have sown. Here we must find a balance point between working to exhaustion and working wisely in order to reap what we need.

This is a virtual event.

Booking is no longer available for this event.

Please consider joining Alix Wright on Saturday, July 31, 2021 at 7pm with the Temple of Witchcraft for the Community Lammas Ritual. Registration is available here: https://conta.cc/361wOBe