Hera: Mother, Queen, Goddess.
In many Greek myths you hear only of the anger of Hera when she is betrayed by a philandering husband over and over again. But this Goddess is a powerful Queen, she is the initiator, protector of women and patroness of marriage. Some have said that she was a pre-patriarchal Goddess, and that her “jealousy” toward Zeus’s lovers was her refusing to be subservient to him. As his sister/wife she should hold the same rank and power, but the males of the time always diminished the feminine power that would endanger their control.
Come and experience Hera as the powerful Goddess that she truly is. You may experience an initiation at her hands if she feels you are ready to move beyond where you currently are in your path, or she may set you a series of challenges to push you into growth. Learn her myths from her side, and gain a whole new insight into this Queen of the Gods.
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