

7:00 pm - 9:30 pm


Bookings closed


The Robin's Nest
799 S. Main St. Suite 9, Bellingham, MA, 01453
Map Unavailable

Gifts of the Goddess

7-9:30 PM, $30

508.244.4881 ~ www.therobinsnestma.com
he Gospel of Aradia proclaims the witch is blessed with thirteen powers setting her or him apart from most people. These powers are simply magickal and psychic skills that we have a natural talent for, or learn to develop on the path of magick, yet few explore them directly in practical training. Together we shall explore the classic powers of blessings & cursing, bringing forth beauty, understanding secret signs, communing with animals, banishing, healing, love, good fortune, spirit communication, revealing treasure, weather magick, transformation and hearing the Voice of the Wind. Learn valuable insights on how to work each of the powers.


Bookings are closed for this event.