

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Bookings closed


The Robin's Nest
799 S. Main St. Suite 9, Bellingham, MA, 01453

Event Type

Map Unavailable

Within the cold of the Earth, the Goddess stirs at Mid-Winter. Dive deeply into the Well of Brigid for healing and inspiration from the Goddess of Poetry, Smithcraft and Healing. The Child of Light has begun to grow in strength, preparing to return to the World. Offer blessings to the young God for strength and wisdom as he makes his way back to us. As within, so without. Seek balance within to bring balance to the outer world.

Hosted by Priestesses Robbi Packard.

Please join us as we begin the new year with our Community Imbolc Ritual!

Space is limited to 13 participants for the IN PERSON portion of this event. Once the space is filled, please choose the VIRTUAL option for this event.


This event is fully booked.