

Welcome to the family!

We love our Nest Family… and it shows! Here are some photos from over the years of events and gatherings that we have celebrated together. Enjoy!
ps. If you have any photos you would like to add to this page, please email them to Robbi at therobinsnestma@gmail.com

And just for fun…
enjoy the video of our Super 8 Ritual!
Posted 4/1/2014

Nestgiving 2014

Every year, we gather as Community, as Friends, as Spirit Family to give thanks for all the blessings in our lives. Nestgiving has become an annual tradition of Gratitude! We look forward to you joining us!

Ceremonial Drum Crafting with Zelda

All of us who participated in this incredible workshop would like to thank Zelda for the incredible journey that was experienced by many. This full day was filled with laughter, inspiration, tears, work and much joy and contentment when the day was done. Look for photos from the day to come soon and the transformation of the drums as they finish the birthing process and come alive to the guardians that Great Spirit has entrusted them to.

If you would like more information on workshops and gatherings with Zelda, please visit her website at: http://www.zeldahotaling.com/

Goddess Circle 7.19.13

Beltane 2013

Eastern MA Pagan Pride Day 2012

The Old Nest in Milford, MA